• RelyEstates
  • Calle Nacimiento
  • 04648 San Juan de los Terreros (Almería)
  • +34611721667
  • +34650541519
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Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions ofArticle 9 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002 on Information Society Services andElectronic Commerce, it is hereby stated that this website is owned by RelyEstatesand with registered office at Calle Nacimiento Nº 40 04648 San Juan de losTerreros (Almería), Spain.

In the framework of compliance with current legislation, contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, hereinafter known as the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR; RelyEstates. informs users that the data entered in the contact forms, and contracting will be stored in treatments owned by RelyEstates. Also, RelyEstates commits itself to fulfill the arranged thing by the regulation on the protection of previously mentioned data, will be able as well as to make fulfill the technical and organizational safety measures implanted to the personnel to its service that treats personal character data, avoiding this way, the loss, alteration and nonauthorized access to such. The above-mentioned personnel is subject to the duty of secrecy and confidentiality with respect to the data that it treats in the same terms that RelyEstates.

Right of access, rectification, deletionor oblivion, limitation, opposition, portability and to withdraw the consentgiven

The owner of the data has the right ofaccess, rectification, deletion or oblivion, limitation, opposition,portability and to withdraw the consent given with respect to the personal dataprovided. To exercise these rights, data owners can send a written request bymail to the postal address Calle Nacimiento Nº 40 04648 San Juan de losTerreros (Almería), Spain, to the contact email info@relyestates.com, or they cancontact via telephone (+34) 611 72 16 67.

Disclosure of information to thirdparties

RelyEstates undertakes not to sell ortransfer personal information collected on its websites to other entities fortheir use without your express approval and giving you the opportunity toexercise your rights mentioned above. 

External links

If the user chooses to leave this websitethrough links to websites not belonging to our company, RelyEstates will not beresponsible for the privacy policies of such websites or the cookies that theymay store on the User's computer. 

Legal issues

This is a website that is subject toSpanish Law. RelyEstates will be able to dispose of the personal informationprovided by the user without his/her consent when it may be legally required todo so, or acting in good faith as long as such action is necessary toinvestigate or protect guests, visitors or associates of RelyEstates orproperty owned by RelyEstates (including this Web site). 

Changes to this Web site's Privacy Policy

RelyEstates may make changes to this Website's Privacy Policy. All changes will be made available on this Web site tokeep the user informed.

Calle Nacimiento
San Juan de los Terreros (Almería)
  • RelyEstates
  • Calle Nacimiento
  • 04648 San Juan de los Terreros (Almería)
  • +34611721667
  • +34650541519

© RelyEstates 2025

Privacy Policy